Testing the media's mettle

The following was sent to the Journal, KRQE, KOAT, and KOB.
My expectation is that Journal Editor Kent Walz will decide to ignore it, as will the managers at KRQE, KOAT and KOB.
The APS School Board intends to vote to change school board policy during their Policy and Instruction Committee meeting.

They intend to strike the language that provides for Citizen Advisory Committees. The Current language reads in significant part;
K.01 Community Involvement
"The Board of Education recognizes that constructive study, discussion, and active participation by citizens is necessary to promote the best program of education in the community. To encourage this participation ... Citizens Advisory Councils will exist to provide for greater community involvement in the educational planning process. ..."
The language will be struck in its entirety.

There is no public forum, no citizen input will be allowed.

It will be passed en masse with “consent items” the following evening during the regular board meeting. The agenda is not available, and will not be available until the last minute allowed under the Open Meetings Act.

The change will allow the leadership of the APS to ignore any citizen group they don’t create themselves. They will never create one that examines student discipline, administrative and executive standards and accountability, due process for whistle-blower complaints, or the cover up of felony criminal misconduct in the leadership of the their publicly funded, private police force.

The change will allow them to ignore the Citizens Advisory Council on Communication, whose petition carrying more than 100 signatures is yet to see due process from the board.

I have a Constitutionally protected human right to petition my government for redress of my grievance; their ongoing denial of a legitimate petition carrying more than 100 signatures. I am denied my free exercise of that right, the right to speak freely, and the right to assemble freely, by the APS Police force, an unaccredited, un-certified, and un-certificated publicly funded, private police force, reporting directly to, and only to the leadership of the APS. The MOU with the Bernalillo County Sheriff certifies its officers, not the police force itself. Legally, it is not a Police Department.

They are enforcing an unlawful restraining order written by then School Board President Marty Esquivel,


This though school board policy specifically and explicitly prohibits board members from acting individually.


That he acted individually in writing what he calls a “banning letter” is proven by the lack of any agenda or minutes reporting that the board discussed and acted upon the letter in compliance with the Open Meetings Act.

In the letter, Esquivel mentions my behavior on Nov 4, 2009. You can view that behavior and my arrest on APS website.

I speak and am arrested (deprived of my liberty) between 42:00 and 43:50.

You will see that my arrest was based on the content of my speech, and not on any unlawful conduct; a violation of my Constitutional rights to speak freely and to petition my government at a public forum.

There is a recording of the Audit Committee Meeting mentioned in the letter. If you care to listen to it, you will find I was arrested and ejected based on someone else's alleged misconduct, and not on anything I done myself.

I have repeatedly accused your management of being complicit or complacent in the cover of an ethics and accountability scandal in the leadership of the APS. I will continue to make the allegations in the absence of any effort to investigate and report upon credible allegations and evidence of a cover up of the ethics and accountability scandal including the cover up of felony criminal misconduct by APS senior administrators, including but not limited to; moving cash from evidence to petty cash and spending it without record keeping, and a least a half dozen illegal criminal background checks done on whistle-blowers and a Deputy Superintendents fiancée.

Time to pick a side.

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