APS stonewalls, media abets

By what stretch of the imagination do the concepts of
  • government of the people,
  • by the people and
  • for the people
allow the leadership of the APS to refuse to answer these three questions;
  1. why will they not surrender the ethically redacted public records of their investigations into felony criminal misconduct by senior APS administrators.
  2. why are hundreds of whistle blower complaints being denied due process; executive review of administrative self-adjudication of complaints, and
  3. why are school board members and administrators not honestly accountable as role models of the standards of conduct they establish and enforce upon students?  Why will they not hold themselves honestly accountable as role models of the nationally recognized, accepted and respected code of ethical conduct, that they expect students to "model and promote"?  Why are they not accountable as role models, under a system over which they have no undue influence, and powerful enough to hold them accountable, even against their will?
How feckless must journalistic ethics and integrity be, that they cannot compel the Journal, KRQE, KOAT, and KOB, to ask those questions and report to the people, politician and public servant responses to legitimate questions about the public interests and about their public service?

The answer to the questions by the way, is, they cannot summon, neither collectively nor individually, the character and the courage to hold themselves honestly accountable to higher standards of conduct than the law.

Tell somebody.

Show up at a public forum and ask the questions yourself.

You will do so in blatant disregard for their self imposed
rules of decorum which prohibit the asking of questions.
Another tidbit the establishment media isn't telling anyone about.

It will feel great.

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