"Let go of the camera"

Blogger and photojournalist Mark Bralley has been banned from City Center.

The most important thing to note about the banning letter,
it was created without due process for Bralley.

The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution reads in significant part; Mark Bralley cannot be
deprived of ... liberty ... without due process of law.
Bralley has not lost his liberty to a piece of paper,
his liberty was taken from him by an armed, unaccredited
and un-certified publicly funded private police force.
A police force that reports directly to, and only to,
the supt and board members.

Complaints over the denial of due process they perpetrate
can be filed with any of Maes, Brooks, or Winter,
your choice and with similar effect.

There are no legitimate limits on liberty outside the law.
Laws are the only legitimate limits on liberty.

If Bralley has broken some law, why haven't Maes, Brooks and Winter filed charges?   Why aren't they looking to the court system for a legal restraining order instead of creating one of their own?  And, instead of creating the appearance of conflicts of interests that scream foul play?

Because no honest judge would give them one.

Because in any venue where there is due process,
Bralley will be completely exonerated.

As would I, for that matter.

The letter is first signed by
School Board President Paula
"it's good for parents to 
get in teacher's faces 
every once in awhile" Maes.

It is signed next by Supt Winston Brooks.
Brooks doesn't want Bralley to capture
the look on his face when he tries to tell
interest holders they have no right to even
ethically redacted versions of the findings
of at least three investigations into felony
criminal misconduct by senior APS administrators.

It is signed last by APS Chief Operating
Officer Brad Winter.

Winter shares Brooks' apparent conflict
of interest.

He is trying to oust a photojournalist
prepared to capture his face while he
tries to explain to interest holders, why
they have no right to a candid,
forthright and honest accounting of
his spending at 6400 Uptown Blvd.

The "Twins"; how they spent our money there is Winter's secret.
Complaints over the denial of due process they perpetrate
can be filed with any of Maes, Brooks, or Winter,
your choice and with similar effect.

Conveniently, Maes, Brooks and Winter have a Praetorian Guard to keep dissenters at bay.

Two of them, fully armed, showed up at Bralley's home, to hand deliver the letter.

The establishment's press is nowhere to be found.

photos Mark Bralley

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