Eye on Albuquerque takes a hit

The Albuquerque Police Department has fired an employee they believe is involved with a blog called the Eye on Albuquerque.  The Eye is routinely highly critical of the leadership of the APD.

The legalities of a police department firing an employee for engaging in protected activity (free speech) will no doubt be explored in great detail, and is not the subject of this post. The need for an outlet like the Eye on Albuquerque is.

The Eye writes in response;
If APD, the City of Albuquerque and Mayor Berry told the truth; the Eye On Albuquerque would not exist ... if Perry, Berry and Schultz were honest and up-front about City business; there would be no need for the Eye On Albuquerque.
and they are right.

If employees have an opportunity to express their discontent with their leadership, without fear of retribution or retaliation, and with a reasonable expectation that their expertise and experience will be treated with respect, there is no need for a venue where those employees can vent.

The Eye on Albuquerque exists because of, and in direct proportion to, plummeting morale in the APD.

Morale is an indicator.  It is an important and powerful indicator of leadership.  Leadership and morale correlate.

So why is there no measure of morale in the APD?
Why is there no measure of morale in the APS?
Why is there no subordinate evaluation in government?

There is no measure of morale because only powerful people can order the measure and they won't.

So why won't they?

Because low morale and inadequate leadership correlate.

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