Winston Brooks' golden probation

APS Supt Winston Brooks will return to work today in probationary status.  At least that is the impression the School Board would like to promote.
"If you EVER, EVER do anything like this again,
Brooks cannot be fired for misconduct unless that misconduct is prohibited by law.  The Board could send Brooks packing for something less than criminal misconduct, but it would cost taxpayers whatever he has left in a parachute worth $750K as recently as last January.

Winston Brooks has a golden parachute; the consequence of them dismissing him is that he gets the parachute.  He cannot be sitting on a parachute and be on "probation" at the same time.  Parachutes and probation are diametrically opposite concepts.

He cannot be fired for what he did.
He cannot be fired if he does the same thing again.
He cannot be fired for doing it again after that.
Unless he does something that is against the law; the lowest standards of conduct shared by civilized human beings; the standards of conduct that every single higher standard of conduct, is higher than, he cannot be fired.

Brooks is accountable only to the law.  He is not accountable to any standards of conduct higher than the law.  On top of that, he has an unlimited budget to finds ways litigate around the law if the law doesn't suit him.  He spends without oversight, except by subordinates.  Subordinate oversight is oxymoronic.

Because this kind of misconduct doesn't break the law, if the board tries to fire him, he will sue for his parachute.  The Board will give him a lot of money to avoid "having to spend even more money defending themselves" in court.

The board will do what the board always does with senior administrators running wild, buy them off and then send them packing.  Look at their record, one senior administrator after another leaving the district with boot-full of cash.

The Journal would probably report on it, probably add their
editorial harrumph, and then they and APS will "move along",
"in the interests of the children".

photo Mark Bralley 

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