Modrall Attorney Pat Rogers has been implicated in emailgate, link.
Rogers still sits on the board of the FOG. In the relevant past, he sat on their Executive Board, serving as Treasurer.
If anyone understood how wrong it is, for so many important reasons, that public business not be done in private emails, you would think it would be the leadership of the FOG.
Let's look at the leadership of the FOG.

The record is, she did not.

She is tied to the leadership of the APS through her Chairmanship of the Executive Board of the NM Broadcasters Association.

Maes also sat on the FOG's Board of Directors.
Maes, the board, and APS Supt Winston Brooks benefit greatly from Roper and her KOAT's refusal to investigate and report upon credible allegations and evidence of an ethics and accountability scandal in the leadership of the APS, link.

Walz is seen here telling FOG members why APS Supt Winston Brooks deserves a Dixon Award as a hero of Transparency, while at the same time, he and Brooks were hiding public records of findings of independent investigations of the corruption.

As the Board's enforcer, Esquivel has written what amounts to an unlawful restraining order, link.
The order prevents me from peacefully assembling, speaking freely, and petitioning my government at School Board Meetings.
It is enforced, link, by a publicly funded, private police force, a Praetorian Guard; the APS Police, upon the unlawful orders of its Chief Steve Tellez. Tellez co-signed the unlawful order.
Iain Munro sits in the FOG. He is the News Director at KRQE. They won't investigate and report upon the APS ethics and accountability scandal either.
KOB doesn't appear to sit in the FOG leadership. Their refusal to investigate credible evidence and testimony can be assigned perhaps, to their loyalty to APS' Executive Director of Communications Monica Armenta and Board President Paula Maes.
photos and Walz frame grab, Mark Bralley
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