Students at the school wearing rosaries visibly are being asked to conceal them under their shirts or in their pockets, Armenta said, adding that the request is intended to limit students from identifying themselves with specific groups, either on or off campus.
Armenta said it is a measure APS police and school staff are taking “to curb gang activity.This morning, interest holders find, link,
APS spokeswoman Monica Armenta said in an email Monday that students are not required to conceal their rosaries and that no student this school year has even been approached by administrators about a rosary.In the military they call that an "about face".
Missing from the Journal coverage of APS' efforts to "curb gang activity" at Atrisco Heritage; even one iota of empirical data about gang activity at Atrisco Heritage. The Journal doesn't cover APS' student discipline issues.
"Journal staff"did dig deeper apparently, on the issue of enforcement last year.
Armenta said Monday that she doesn’t know what measures were taken at Atrisco Heritage last year, because the school has a new principal and the former principal no longer works for the district.Imagine that, the only person in the entire APS who knows what measures were taken at Atrisco Heritage last year, has vanished from the face of the earth.

the simple truth about what actually
happened last year at Atrisco Heritage,
the $106K a year executive director
of communications, communicated
nonsense instead.
"Journal staff" let it slide
as is their want and custom.
photo Mark Bralley
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