NM FOG VP Esquivel caught in yet another bald faced lie.

This isn't the first time he's been caught in a bald faced lie, link.

How many lies do you get to tell, before you're a liar?

In his Response, APS School Board President Marty Esquivel writes (by and through his team of lawyers);
When Mr. MacQuigg and Mr. Bralley returned to the meeting after the closed session, Mr. Robbins questioned them about his concern that they had deliberately left recording equipment behind in the room in an attempt to record the executive session.  When Mr. Bralley gave what Mr. Robbins took to be an admission that he had not turned off his recording device at the time he had been instructed to do so, Mr. Robbins ejected both him and Mr. MacQuigg from the meeting.
Anyone who watches the actual videotape, will see that Mr. Robbins announced his intention to eject us before any discussion took place over why he was ejecting us.

Furthermore, it is the sworn testimony of APS Supt Winston Brooks, that while the board was still in executive session, the board discussed us and decided to eject us.  David Robbins himself, a moment later, admitted having "discussed" the issue.

This is of course a blatant violation of the Open Meeting Act, and when David Robbins gave the statement regarding closed discussions about what had been discussed in the secret session, he lied when he said;
"... the discussion was limited to only those items specified."  
And when each and every board member later answered by name, affirming the discussion was limited to only those items specified, they committed what amounts to perjury.

I suppose it is probably "legal" to lie in a Response in Opposition to a Motion for a Preliminary Injunction, but it's not right.  I suppose with enough lawyers, guns and money, it is "legal" for board members to swear they didn't discuss something they clearly did discuss.

It is prohibited by the standards of conduct for which these people are the senior-most role models in the entire APS, but not by the law.

It is criminal misconduct to deliberately violate the law; even the Open Meetings Act.

Count on Esquivel's crony Kent Walz,
to continue cover it up for as long as he can.

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