APS School Board President and open government expert Marty Esquivel had her take a vote off of the public record, soliciting board members support for his banning letter. She testified I believe, that she had contacted "all" of the board members, and that they all voted in approval.
Former Board Member David Robbins once said the same thing; the entire board had approved the letter.
The information was compiled off the record, lest some "knucklehead" seek them out later by means of the Inspection of Public Records Act.
It is illegal for the APS School Board to vote in secret on anything.

We will never know, because it his policy to not answer questions about his conduct and competence. And because it is his policy to station his Praetorian Guard; people with badges and guns, a publicly funded private police force, in between him and anyone who might insist that he do.

Managing Editor Kent Walz' policy
to not ask him to answer questions
like that anyway.
photos Mark Bralley
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