Brooks drops 20% claim

APS Supt Winston Brooks announced on KKOB, that APS' graduation rate had increased 20% during his tenure as Superintendent.  The claim is more than a little disingenuous, link.

I am pleased to report that by the time the Journal and APS, link, got around to publishing APS Ready For School Year, the claim of 20% and the false impression it created had been dropped.

The Journal gives Brooks a guest column, link, every month.
Brooks uses the column to polish the APS apple;
the Journal uses the column to polish Brooks. 

I call your attention to the photograph that accompanies Brooks' column.

According to common wisdom; a picture is worth a thousand words.  The Journal spent a thousand words painting a false picture of Brooks' vitality.  It lacks candor, forthrightness and honesty.  It is journalistic malpractice.

I don't care if everybody else is doing it too.

I am pleased to point out that in removing his 20% claim, Brooks modeled for students, the Pillar of Responsibility; specifically not taking full credit, where less credit is due.

Perhaps Brooks is capable of role modeling the Pillars of Character Counts! after all.

photo Mark Bralley

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