"APS Calendars Once Again Produced at No Cost to District" - really?

APS publishes a calendar every year.  APS claims, link, the calendar is produced at no cost to the District.

I suspect the deception hinges on the word "produced".  If by "production" they mean the printing costs, then the statement might be true.  If "production" includes all of the man hours put in by Communications Department employees, then the statement is (deliberately?) misleading and untrue.

APS' Calendar queen and a "free" calendar
APS Communications Director Monica Armenta testified as recently as 2009, that the calendar was the Communications Department's "biggest project".

How does the biggest project in a department that burns through a million dollars a year, not cost the district, and by extension taxpayers, a cent?

According to APS student standards of conduct;
Intent is the crucial distinction between truthfulness and truth itself.
In "forgetting" about the man hours involved in calendar production, was there an attempt to mislead stakeholders; a deliberate attempt?

The answer to that question, I think, is self-evident.

photo Mark Bralley

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