Clark just invited readers to submit to him, questions for the duo.
I have reason to believe that Bob Clark, to whom I emailed a link to my post and my questions, read my post and has read my questions. It is of course, entirely up to Clark to decide which questions will and will not be asked.
The questions I submitted to Brooks (and Esquivel) through Clark were;
1. Why are the findings of at least three investigations into felony criminal misconduct in the leadership of the APS and their publicly funded private police force, being kept secret from public knowledge? Note; the question is why? and not how?
2. Why do we never talk about student discipline and chronically disruptive students?
3. Why are there two standards of conduct in the APS, one for students and other, lower standards, for adults?a. Students are expected to model and promote personal accountability to a nationally recognized, accepted and respected code of ethical conduct; the Pillars of Character Counts!4. Why will there never be an independent "audit" of executive and administrative standards of conduct and competence? Why will there never be an independent assessment of actual honest accountability to such standards as there are?
b. School board members and senior administrators are accountable only to the law; the lowest standards of conduct acceptable to civilized human beings.
5. What, exactly, has APS done in response to the findings of a recent audit that revealed a culture of fear of retribution and retaliation in the leadership of the APS, in especially against whistle blowers?
Update; unless I missed it; the subjects of student discipline and chronically disruptive students, character education, executive and administrative standards and accountability, whistleblower protection and the corruption in the leadership of the APS police force did not come up.
Nor likely, will they ever.
photo Mark Bralley
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