She was asked, if she never read the blog, how does she know that there is nothing on it she needs to know.
She replied;
... no one has ever asked me a question in the media about it. There has never been a question, according to this, is this happening? There is no questions that have come, whose origins are from that particular blog.Her sworn testimony is that no one in the media, not the Journal, not KRQE, not KOAT, and not KOB TV, has ever asked her about;
- the cover up of criminal misconduct in the APS police force leadership, or about
- the abandonment, by the entire leadership of the APS, of the obligations and responsibilities of role models of student standards of conduct. or about
- spending at 6400 Uptown Blvd, or about
- their resistance to an independent audit of administrative standards and accountability, or about
- the denial of due process to hundreds of whistleblowers, or about
- any of the issues I have raised on my blog.
If Armenta isn't lying, then the Journal, KRQE, KOAT, and KOB TV are guilty of journalistic malpractice on an epic scale.
photo Mark Bralley
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