I already told you what honestly happened, link.
Winter ended up arguing that no one has ever leaned in toward him, that did not make him feel threatened by their so doing. After considerable coaxing, Winter finally conceded that "maybe 3 or 4 times" in his life, has someone leaned in toward him without making him feel threatened.

journalist and blogger
Mark Bralley managed to
capture all three!?
What are the odds?
I mean, seriously,
what are the odds
that Bralley caught
Brad Winter every
time in his life that
someone leaning in
toward him, didn't
make him feel threatened?
Slim; in my estimation;
exceedingly slim. Really, really slim.
The same odds probably, that you will get bitten by a
Polar Bear and a Brown Bear in the same day.
A little later, Winter swore;
All anyone has to do to find out how much money he spent, and on what, at 6400 Uptown Blvd., is to file a public records request.Been there, done that, link.
You really can't make this crap up; not in this volume,
not this fast.
photos Mark Bralley
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