Teachers, arguably the most qualified to speak on teaching and teacher evaluation, want to sit down and have a two way discussion about how teachers should be evaluated.
Bernstein asked for a serious debate “that includes the voices of the professional practitioners who are experiencing the policy, as well as the voice of its primary designer.”
If teachers have serious concerns about the efficacy of this system, it would seem prudent to hear what they have to say.
I am disappointed that they have selected a "formal debate". They can ask for whatever they want, but what they need is a forum where they can engage in a meaningful and complete dialogue with a person who has the power and the authority to say "yes". (There is an adage that applies to travelers having problems; never take no from a person who doesn't have the authority to say yes.)

“What is disappointing, but not surprising, is that this so-called offer from the status quo defenders does not once mention the most important element of education – our students,” said Behrens. “It’s unfortunate our students can’t afford the organized political operation from which ATF union leaders benefit.”And further;
Regarding this latest debate invitation, Behrens said: “Their stalling tactics in the courts make it impossible for us to even seriously consider their ‘offer.’”Whose side is Behrens on, the people he works for, or the woman he works under? Whose side are all Public Information Officers on? Is it there job to inform the public, or defend their bosses from legitimate questions about the public interests and their public service.
Skandera loses this one by trotting out her PIO,
not to explain why their request is unreasonable,
but to bad mouth the teachers who made it.
photos Mark Bralley
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