Among those disappointed with the reprehensible behavior Winston Brooks is modeling, Governor Susana Martinez and Public Education Secretary Hanna Skandera.

Student standards of conduct are actual standards. They are written down clearly and unequivocally, link. They are called the Pillars of Character Counts!; a nationally recognized, accepted and respected code of ethical conduct.
It doesn't make a whit of difference if anyone thinks the Pillars should or should not be APS' student standards of conduct. They simply are.
They were adopted by a unanimous school board resolution; a resolution which has never been rescinded or amended and it is as binding today as the night it was passed.
Every year, school board policy is reiterated to students. in the Student Behavior Handbook. They are told, they are expected to model (honest accountability to) and promote the Pillars of Character Counts!
Every year the leadership of the APS establishes and enforces standards on students, and in so doing, inexorably become role models of accountability to those same standards. Else is hypocrisy. Someone has to show them what honest accountability to those standards looks like.
So why is no one asking Brooks about his abandonment of honest accountability to the Pillars of Character Counts!?

Why is no one asking School Board President Marty Esquivel about his abandonment of his obligations as senior most role model in the entire school district, of honest accountability to the Pillars of Character Counts!?
It is because the people who should be asking, won't.
They are in cahoots.
The Journal won't ask. KRQE won't ask. KOAT won't ask.
And KOB TV won't ask.
Why won't they ask, except that they are complicit in
the cover up of an ethics and accountability scandal
in the leadership of the APS?
photos Mark Bralley
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